yeah she finally came!! Londyn Kate Pedersen decided to come at 38 weeks to the day on 6/11/11 at 1254am at 7lbs 10oz 20in long. She was almost two lbs bigger then channing!!!
I had my morning appt at 10 where I asked her to strip my membranes (I hardly felt it, many people have said it is very painful but I didnt feel a thing except pressure.) I was at 4cm and she said she would be surprised if I was still pregnant by Monday. She said get walking and be active. I felt cramping and pressure the rest of the day but for the most part, not different. I decided that I wouldn't skip my nap luckily. Brandon got home around 4pm and we were watching tv and decided to get up and clean. Contractions started slightly and stayed steady. We went on a walk and they got stronger. They were about 8 min apart and I decided to take a shower. My dr had said to call if they didnt go away after 30 min of being painful since she predicted Id go very very fast. The baby was low and I was already 4cm and she would be my second baby. I called and unfortunately my dr was not on call. A man dr was on call and he was very nice but I was nervous. he said if they dont stop to come in but if they stopped in the hospital he would send me home. NOt wanting that, I decided to go on another walk. They got stronger around 730pm and we decided to go in. My mom was at work, Cindy was at the cabin and 2 hours away. We let everyone know we were going in and Chan went to his uncle tylers. We got admitted at 830 and she check me. I was still at a 4 so she sent me walking. At 10pm she checked me again and I was at a 5-6cm. She called the dr and he said start the IV and she asked if I wanted the Epidural. I said not yet and then she said that she would take 30 min to get there. I decided to call since I had no idea how bad they would be in 30 min! She came in like 10 min and I got it. The contractions weren't really bad yet but I figured why not. She checked me again around 11 and I was at a 7-8. My water broke and suddenly I was at a 9cm. We called to see how far away my mom and Cindy were and they came right in the room as I was complete and needed to push. She called the dr and he came pretty fast too. Three contractions and she was out! I tore pretty bad just like with Chan. She was bigger then he was but came just as fast. She was pretty bruised but it has gone away. LOTS of dark hair haha. Very different from channing. Were happy to have a healthy baby this time and are nervous because this is a whole new experience!! Pics to come soon!
Congratulations!! I saw the pic on fb. Love her dark hair!! Ya this is a whole new experience being able to leave the hospital with the baby! She came quick!!