Friday, September 4, 2009

next step...

Ok so the next step is getting insurance to pay for it... The therapist said she can see alot of his wierd head shape happend in utero... She asked when the dr said he was head down and I told her that ever since the dr could feel his position, he was head down. So nothing we could have done there. Plus with his torticollis (tight neck on right side) she said we probably couldnt have helped his head. And with the whole "back to bed" movement... he was destined. Anyways...

we sold the car! YEAH! we went to our credit union to get a loan and we were approved and now we have to go get that through. He loves this truck from this nice family who are actually related to some neighbors we have. Small world.

The boy I was working with started school this year and now his schedule doesnt fit with Channings babysitters... so I have to find a new patient. It makes me really sad bc I really like this family, they are so awesome and he is such an inspiration! Hes making some progress, but not lately. Its like no doctor will do surgery on him so how can he be helped??? Idk its so sad to slowly watch his back twist more and squish his lungs making it harder for him to breath. When I look in his eyes its just like he wants out. He just wants to run and play with his brothers. He just wants to be freed from his body. And I hate leaving but truthfullly I do not want to just stay and eventually watch him die. I care too much about that poor lil boy. He had a very short life but I guess he fulfilled what God had intended for him to do. He has taught many people including me alot of things. I wont ever forget him! Thanks to him and your family.

Tomorrow is Cindys and Rennys sealing. Its so wonderful that she found the man of her dreams! Tomorrow is also Wayne Gunnels funeral. SO sorry to the gunnel family for the loss of their son. You all will be in our prayers! Tomorrow is ALSO Rennys son, Taylors, wedding reception. THey got married in Utah and are coming down here for the reception. So needless to say.. busy day tomorrow!!

Keep you updated with the insurance thing...

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