Sunday, February 21, 2010

First night watching Channing

So, there was a free concert at Toby Kieths Bar and Grill this past friday that Amber and I were gonna go to with Tara and Garrett. HOwever, Garrett went hunting and we were unable to find a baby sitter so... I, being the good husband I think I am, convinced Amber to go with Tara and I'd babysit my boy. Man, was I excited. I mean, this would be the first time I had watched my son for more than an hour. Things were going great, I was chasing Channing, he was chasing me, we were dancing, playing, I even fed him dinner! Yes! Victory! Then, I looked at the clock, it had only been a measly half hour... I was pooped! Channing, as odd as it may be, has out lasted me! So, I did what any tired dad would do... I put him in bed....and was consistent.... in getting him back out every 5 minutes as he would cry and say "dada, dada". And we would play and play and play. His bed time is supposed to be between 630 and 700... he didnt go to bed until a little after 800. But it was fun and I loved every minute of it.

Amber finally got home around 11pm. She had a fun time at the concert. I think the past part of the evening for her was when she was waiting for Tara to come with the car, a mexican, a white man, and then a black man (all at separate times) came up to her and offered to give her a ride home. All in all it was a fun night. Amber got a well deserved night out with her friend and I had a fun night with my son. I love being parent!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

NEW things!!

Oh wow, we knew Channing was teething but he like really was!!! One bottom one popped through today! Very exciting at the Pedersen household considerang he is almost 1. Weve been waiting for them since he started teething at four months! fcvmj;ppoijbgfgjyk--chan had to get that out of his system. Tomorrow night we are going to see danny gokie in concert...not sure on the spelling. I really didnt like his music on idol but we get to eat too so Im happy!

Monday, February 15, 2010

1 here we come!!

Almost 1. I just cant believe that almost a year ago I was looking into an incubator wondering if my small baby would even make it. Well not only did he make it, he is thriving! No developmental delays at all. I cant tell you how thankful I am to have a healthy happy baby boy. I remember crying the day I found out I was having a boy bc I wanted a girl soo bad. Now I cant imagine having any other lil spirit! He has been such a blessing to our family! Were going to have a small party for him at candlelight park right by our home. Cowboy theme~ cowboy beans and hotdogs haha. Its going to be fun, we have this small bouncer for the babies. Ill put pics up as soon as I get them.

Lady came through surgery well, got her home, she was very very lethargic as to be expected. WEll then th e swelling and redness happened with the warmth....infection! So I call the vet and she said ok bring her in before 230pm. So I got off work early and rushed home to her (during the day I guess her incision split open!) So I scoop her up and rush her into their office (made it by 215pm). Im drenched in her blood and Im panicking all over.... and what do they tell me? The vet left around 1pm that day. I couldnt believe that they were sending me home with and open incision that was infected and a lil girl in pain! Well no other vet would see me bc of liability issues. So we waited. Rushed in at 7am right when they opened and still I waited... She saw me, just glued the incision back up, sent me home with anti-inflammatory and antibiotics... No other words were exchanged.... SO she recovered and within a couple days shes back to normal. Kinda a sad though that she will never have another puppy. Sad thought that I will never have lil puppies running around my home. Oh I loved it so much!